CHATEAU LOUNOVICE POD BLANIKEM [ Hrad nebo zřícenina hradu ]
Louňovice pod Blaníkem No.16
257 06 Louňovice pod Blaníkem
Phone: +420 317 852 658
Opening hours:
From 1 May to 30 September daily 10 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm
The first written reference to the site dates back to 1149 and mentions a convent of the Premonstratensians, founded in the so-called Moon Valley. The Lounovice convent was ruined in 1420 by the Tabor forces that then dominated the whole region. The museum displays findings of the archaeological research of the convent, installed in the château by the National Museum in 1981. During a reconstruction in 1982, a band of sgraffito was uncovered, depicting an interesting view of the biblical theme of The Flood. Above the bossage of the entry portal there is the coat of arms of the archbishops as a reminder of the times when the château was in their possession. The château is also the birthplace of the music composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679 - 1745). The collections also include a display of "The Oldest History of Lounovice pod Blanikem” and a display dedicated to apiculture.
Louňovice pod Blaníkem No.16
257 06 Louňovice pod Blaníkem
Phone: +420 317 852 658
Opening hours:
From 1 May to 30 September daily 10 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 4 pm
The first written reference to the site dates back to 1149 and mentions a convent of the Premonstratensians, founded in the so-called Moon Valley. The Lounovice convent was ruined in 1420 by the Tabor forces that then dominated the whole region. The museum displays findings of the archaeological research of the convent, installed in the château by the National Museum in 1981. During a reconstruction in 1982, a band of sgraffito was uncovered, depicting an interesting view of the biblical theme of The Flood. Above the bossage of the entry portal there is the coat of arms of the archbishops as a reminder of the times when the château was in their possession. The château is also the birthplace of the music composer Jan Dismas Zelenka (1679 - 1745). The collections also include a display of "The Oldest History of Lounovice pod Blanikem” and a display dedicated to apiculture.
- Území obce: Louňovice pod Blaníkem
- Správní obvod 2: Vlašim
- Správní obvod 3: Vlašim
- Území NUTS 4: Okres Benešov
- Území NUTS 3: Středočeský kraj
- Území NUTS 2: Střední Čechy
- Turistická oblast: 03 Střední Čechy - jihovýchod
- Turistický region: Okolí Prahy
Typ záznamu: Hrad nebo zřícenina hradu
AKTUALIZACE: Václav Pošmurný (TO 03) org. 2, 19.11.2005 v 09:26 hodin